
Hi, I am Pranav Sampathkumar from Chennai, India. I am currently a Doctoral Candidate in the Institute for Astroparticle Physics, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.

After majoring in Mechanical Engineering for my undergraduate programme, I decided to pursue a career in fundamental Physics. During my undergrads, I caught up on undergraduate physics, and formally started pursuing a Masters in Physics at TIFR, since Autumn 2016.

Research Interests:

  • Interpretable Neural Networks for Generative Modelling of Physical Systems
  • Model independent analysis of various physical systems to find deviations from standard physics using anomaly detection techniques
  • High Energy Physics and Cosmology with emphasis on numerical computations and Machine Learning.

Other Interests:

  • I am interested in Programming in general. I am involved in the development of freeciv21. Apart from that, My interests range from History, Procedural Generation and World building.

Last Updated : 23rd June 2023.