
Ongoing Research Projects

  • Cross corelation between GL and SZ maps to constraint Cosmological parameters

    Supervisor: Subhabrata Majumdar

    TIFR, Mumbai Aug 2018- Present

    This work is an extension of my work from my master’s thesis. The work involves understanding statistical analysis of data from a cosmology perspective. It also involves using libraries such as HealPy, PyFITS to manipulate the data. During my master’s thesis, I was able to compute the cross correlation from various galaxy surveys. Currently I am trying to use the theory of Halo models to constraint various cosmological and astrophysical parameters using these cross-correlations.

  • Turbulence in ICM using tSZ maps

    Along with: Rishi Khatri

    TIFR, Mumbai Jan 2020- Present

    We try to probe turbulence around the virgo cluster by using tSZ maps.

  • Component seperation from Planck skymaps using unsupervised machine learning

    Along with: Rishi Khatri

    TIFR, Mumbai Feb 2019- Present

    This work was part of my master’s thesis during my time at TIFR. This work involves using unsupervised clustering techniques to perform component seperation on Planck skymaps to extract tSZ maps.

Past Research Projects

  • Using Neural Networks to detect non-Gaussianities in the CMB

    Along with: Tuhin S Roy, Rishi Khatri

    TIFR, Mumbai Dec 2018- Feb 2018

    This work tried to use neural network to detect non-Gaussianities in the CMB Sky map. The work involves finding novel methods to use neural networks on a spherical manifold. We moved on to a different project involving machine learning pretty soon. I would like to get back to this soon.

  • Estimation of the mass gap in modified SYK hamiltonians

    Supervisor: Gautam Mandal

    TIFR, Mumbai Aug 2018- Jan 2019

    Worked on numerically estimating the massgap in Modified SYK hamiltonians. The work involved understanding the conformal limit in the SYK model and analytically computing the massgap in the conformal limit and numerically trying to compute the eigenvalues of large dimensional matrices to get as close to the conformal limit as possible.

  • Quark gluon discrimination using Deep Neural Networks

    Supervisor: Tuhin S Roy

    TIFR, Mumbai Aug 2017- Jan 2018

    Worked on building a convolutional neural network classifier to classify the quark jets from the gluon jets in particle accelerators. The work involved understanding the basics of neural networks and machine learning, build it using Tensorflow, make simulations of particle accelerators using Pythia, jet clustering using FastJet and understanding certain physics observables to classify jets the conventional way.

  • Rigidity percolation in wet granular systems

    Supervisor: Purusattam Ray

    Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai Jun 2015 - Aug 2015

    Worked on understanding rigidity transition by using percolation theory and modelling it similar to jamming transition in granular systems.